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Some of the best captures from WLP

Shove Rich!

Kelvedon Hatch - Mark and Rich calling out with the Alice Box.. And then spirits RESPOND on command!


That feeling when you know you are being watched?

Sally in the wood is a place of paranormal activity on such a scale that it would be hard to match. Feared by all the locals and until now 'NO' investigation team has stayed the night at the Folly - also Camping in the woods that surrounds it. Sally in the wood remains a mystery to the paranormal community. With a history of witchcraft, sacrifice, kidnap, torture, rape and murder, Sally in the wood is one of britain’s most haunted locations.

Marching On command

The trio set about descending 130ft below the surface in an attempt to communicate with 'The Other Side' Kelvedon Hatch Nuclear Bunker was built with the Cold War in mind and could house up to 600 military, government and civilian staff during conflict, it was self sustaining in water, oxygen and food supplies for months if needed. The guys settle on the Dorm next to the sick bay for their pre public event experiment...


What we captured here was just incredible!....


BAEL ​We believe the nasty energy we encountered to be the Demon 'Bael' showing himself in the smoke vortex as shown below, we believe it’s one of the best captures of a demonic form in the Paranormal World, we have sent the images off to a few demonology experts who are amazed on how clear the image is and resembles the dark entity in question.

The image clearly shows the demonic creature.

- The head has with horns on - His Nose and Eyes are visible

- The open mouth with his teeth are VERY clear - Under his chin

- following it down looks like to be part of his spider legs (shown in the picture) This Demon was also responsible for the scratches we also received throughout the night.

Cannock Chase "DIE"

 A bunch of lads took to the infamous 'Cannock Chase Woods' Rich & Mark from WLP drove up to the Midlands where they met up with Friends Miki York - UK Haunted, & You Tubers Disco Boy & Ally Law for an overnight camping investigation they wouldn't forget.

The night was an eery one and on one interaction we caught this EVP it certainly changed the atmosphere........

The 'Well Orb' Cash's Well

Sitting on the very edge of a 'Well' that was once very deep and full of water.


Rich was conducting an experiment and whilst trying to contact and talk with a Paranormal Presence there was a light anomaly that came out of Rich's shoulder and went in/through the solid brick wall behind.


We have dissected the clip over and over again and have come to the conclusion it is No Bug - No Dust Particle - No Foreign Object Matter, we believe this to be a true Orb as it comes out of Rich and straight in to the wall.

Spirit Attack

St Crispin's Mental Asylum

Spot on NECrophonic response

The Hellfire Caves


Englefield Green


Donkey Woods

Emotional Necrophonic response

Cramond Island


Leap Castle

Planchette Spins Out of control!

Cash's Well

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